Aeris PUSD

Aeris PUSD (Pittsburg Unified School District) is an online Student Information System. The portal is meant for students and teachers to access academic activities online. The online system enables to access student attendance, grades and academic schedules.

Aeries PUSD Porterville

PUSD Technology Helpdesk

(559) 560-5070 or (559) 335-8911
Porterville Unified School District also use the Aeries student information system.

Aeris PUSD Features

Aeris PUSD portal involves multiple features that are mentioned below:

Events Calendar, Homework and Class Assignment

The online platform provides access to academic event calendar, homework and class assignments.

Check Student's Class Schedule

Parents and school administrators can check student daily schedule online. The classroom activities can also be tracked.

Evaluate Standardized Test Scores

The student information system also enables to access the test score and access the student performance.

View Report Cards and Progress Reports

Parents and students can access the report cards. The online system also empowers to share the progress reports of students with teachers and parents.

Access to Teachers' E-mail Addresses

Aeris platform is used to email teachers regarding performance and growth of students.

View Graduation Status Reports

The system is used to access the graduation status and official transcripts.

View School and Class Attendance

The system enables to view school and class attendance of students.

Aeries PUSD Portal

The Aeries PUSD Portal is used by students and parents to remain updated with student's homework assignments, grades, attendance, graduation status, student records, etc.

Aeries PUSD Pasadena

(559) 560-5070

Aeries PUSD Student Portal

Visit the PUSD Student Portal Login page and access the student information system.

Aeries PUSD Teacher Login

Go to the PUSD teacher login page and enter username, password. Enter database ID and select year then click on "Sign In" to access the account.

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