Amazon Phone Number Seller Support

Amazon Phone Number Seller Support is used to address queries of authorized sellers associated with Amazon. Amazon Phone Number Seller Support can be beneficial for sellers in several ways:

Personalized Assistance

Speak directly with a Seller Support representative that explains specific issues or enquiries in detail and receive personalized assistance tailored to seller needs.

Real-Time Problem Resolution

Phone support can often provide quicker and more immediate resolutions to urgent matters compared to other support channels like email or chat.

Clarification of Policies and Guidelines

Seller Support can help clarify Amazon's policies, guidelines, and best practices, ensuring that sellers are compliant and can optimize the selling experience.

Technical Support

If the seller encounters technical issues related to seller accounts, listings, or other platform-related matters, phone support can guide through troubleshooting steps or escalate the issue to the appropriate team.

Amazon Seller Support Phone Number USA


Amazon Business Seller Support Team Phone Number

1 (888) 280-4331

Amazon Seller Support Phone Number Canada


Phone Number for Amazon Seller Support UK


Amazon Handmade Seller Support Phone Number

1 (888) 280-4331

Contact Amazon Seller Support Team

To contact Amazon Seller Support in the USA, the best way is typically through the following steps:
  • Go to the official Amazon Seller Central website and log in using seller account credentials
  • Once logged in, look for a "Help" or "Contact Us" link, typically located in the upper-right corner of the Seller Central dashboard
  • Select the topic that best matches the enquiry or issue such as Account Health, Listing Issues, Orders, Payments, and more
  • Amazon offers multiple contact methods, including phone, email, and chat. Choose the "Phone" option if available
  • Depending on the nature of the inquiry, Seller may need to provide specific details or answer questions related to the issue
  • If the phone option is available, the seller should be able to request a callback from Amazon Seller Support

How long does it take to get a Response from Amazon Seller Support?

The response time can vary depending on the complexity of the issue and the current volume of inquiries. Amazon aims to respond within 24-48 hours, but it may take longer during peak periods.

How to Check the Status of Support Case?

Sellers can check the status of the support cases by logging into Amazon Seller Central account and navigating to the "Contact Us" section. sellers should find a list of open and resolved cases.

Contact by Scan

Contact Amazon Phone Number Seller Support by Scanning this QR Code

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