Flex Amazon Phone Number

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. PT
Amazon Flex is a delivery program that enables a person to register as delivery associate and deliver amazon packages using a personal vehicle. Flex Amazon support center provides help to register a vehicle for flex program. The program allows a vehicle owner to use personal vehicle for delivery amazon packages and earn rewards. Call at the above-mentioned number to avail assistance about registration, Flex account, payment and activation support.

Amazon Flex Customer Support Phone Number

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. PT

Amazon Flex Customer Service Phone Number UK

0808 145 3757
09:00 to 21:00.

Amazon Flex Escalations Phone Number


Amazon Flex Australia Phone Number

1800 290 564
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. PT.

Amazon Flex Headquarters Address and Phone Number

PO Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108

Amazon Flex Canada Phone Number


Amazon Flex Driver Customer Service Phone Number


Amazon Flex Corporate Phone Number


Amazon Flex Customer Service Phone Number

ServicePhone Number
Amazon Flex Auto Claims888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Card888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Delivery888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Employment Verification888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Human Resources888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Insurance Claims888-281-6906
Amazon Flex Las Vegas(877) 212-6150
Amazon Flex Logistics888-281-6906

Flex Amazon Fulfillment Center Contacts

Amazon Flex Conklin NY Phone Number


Amazon Flex Charlotte NC Phone Number

(877) 212-6150

Amazon Flex Delivery Fullfillment Center

(214) 742-0662

Amazon Flex - DEW8

(888) 281-6901

Amazon Flex Virginia

(800) 203-0512

Amazon Flex Onboarding Support Phone Number


Amazon Flex Off Road Support Phone Number


Eligibility Requirements for Flex Amazon

  • Applicants must be 21 years or older and eligible to work in the US.
  • A valid driver’s license
  • A mid-size or larger vehicle
  • An iPhone or Android smartphone

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