(780) 429-31119649 - 105A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 0M3, CanadaOperated in Edmonton, Alberta, and established as a non-profit organization, Assist Community Services Centre receives support. Families, individuals, women, children, youth, and seniors are provided with social support by the service center. Immigrant services are also managed by the service center, and volunteer programs are made available. The community center can be reached for additional assistance through the provided means.
ASSIST Community Services Centre, 9649 - 105A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 0M3, Canada.Southwest Office
Unit 2, 810 Saddleback Road NW Edmonton, AB T6J 4W4(780) 429-3119 Fax:
(780) 424-7837info@assistcsc.org /
lincsw@assistcsc.org(780)429-3112 Ext 221, 222 or 223